
Below are testimonials from a few of my students about their experience with yoga. If you would like to share your experience, please click here to submit a testimonial.
Leanne Woodhead
“I really enjoyed Christiane’s style of teaching. She is really approachable and while
taking the practice of yoga seriously (as it should be) her big smiley face and love for all things yoga keep the class fun.
She is attentive and aware, walking round while teaching to make sure you are in the right position, which is really helpful because if you’re new to this sort of thing, when you’re standing on one leg with your head between your legs it’s sometimes hard to figure out if you’re doing it right!
Keep at it Christiane, you’ve definitely found your calling!”
“ctyoga has really inspired my love of yoga. I never really got the appeal before as in any other class no one had ever taken the time to explain the moves, meanings and help me as an individual make the most of my practice, but with Christiane’s understanding, one-on-one approach (even with others in the class it feels like it’s just you) humor and focus you can’t fail to be inspired. Also vinyasa flow really suits me as the constant movement really makes you sweat and feels like you have not just done great yoga but an intense workout too! I couldn’t recommend Christiane’s teaching and ctyoga enough”
 Oula Kadhum
“I had my first ever yoga class with Christiane and I really enjoyed it. I liked the fact that while being fun and encouraging she gave me a real work out. Christiane’s method is gentle but firm and she gives you the support you need as a beginner and challenges you should you want to stretch yourself (mind the pun!). I left the class feeling energized and I couldn’t wait to practice what I had learned at home. If you want a class that is easy going, good fun and stimulating, I recommend Christiane’s Vinyasa Flow style.”
Ali Kaviani
“I have been practicing yoga with many teachers over the years. What really struck me about Christiane was the balance she managed to achieve in class between giving really relevant individual technical corrections and at the same time, keeping everything fluid and moving with high energy. I think this is a great quality in teaching any form of physical practice; not least yoga which for me is all about reaching a balance between many often opposing drives. I also particularly liked how in the beginning of the class, she suggested we dedicate our practice to a particular person and think of them to help keep us going when the postures got tough!”
Alison Kinnaird
“I have been practising yoga for just under a year so I still feel like quite a newby, and I’m so glad to have discovered ctyoga.  Chris is a great teacher; her passion for yoga and enthusiasm for teaching create a class atmosphere that is both relaxing and encouraging.  She is attentive to every pupil and always happy to answer any questions, making me feel important as an individual, and under her gentle encouragement I really feel like I achieve something special in every class.  Her classes are so varied there’s no room for boredom, and my only complaint is that they always seem to end too soon.”
Rafaela Kraushaar
“Christiane Terrone’s class was surprisingly filled with unexpected fun movements and exercises. As my father is a yoga teacher, yoga for me was always really difficult and involved lots of meditation which put me off yoga as a child (sitting and meditating for hours really didn’t fill my need to play and run around). I was expecting to walk into another boring lesson with moves that no one can actually accomplish. To my surprise, Chris really managed to get us all involved with using the wall for handstands and headstands, relaxing meditation and lots of stretching while really respecting our efforts, always encouraging to do the best we can and to never force our bodies. I really enjoyed the one hour lesson, and was actually upset about how time just flew! If anything needs improving, it’s making the lesson 2 hours long! Thanks for the lesson, and i would always be delighted to join another lesson if you ever return to London!”
Dionne Biddie
“Christiane’s style of teaching is both fun and a great workout, encouraging you to push yourself with each position. Her classes are varied creating a new challenge every time. I really enjoyed her classes and she has inspired me to continue my yoga practice. I would highly recommend her classes to anyone who wants to start or continue yoga.”
Iacopo “Jack” Lombardo    IMG_3826
“Avrei sempre voluto praticare yoga ma, per diversi motivi, non ho mai cominciato!
Ho cominciato a praticare quando ho conosciuto Christiane.
Con lei ho provato sia Vyniasa Flow che Ashtanga e in entrambi i casi le sue competenze e la sua simpatia rendono la pratica fluida, intensa e divertente!
Ha la capacità di spingere chiunque oltre il proprio limite, insegnando ad esplorare il proprio io e ad ascoltare il corpo!!
Anche dopo aver praticato in India, con insegnanti di fama internazionale, lei rimane sempre la mia insegnante preferita!!!!!!”
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Cinzia Pecora
“Ho avuto la fortuna di cominciare a praticare yoga con Christiane!
Lo posso decisamente affermare oggi con “il senno del poi”. Credo che la sua capacità di rendere lo yoga una pratica intensa e allo stesso tempo divertente, sia unica. Sa incoraggiare e spingere ogni persona oltre i propri limiti, facendo percepire quanto la mente e l’anima abbiano un ruolo fondamentale in tutto questo.
Christiane… un’insegnante – e una persona – seria, spontanea e trasparente che riesce a trasmettere la sua dedizione per questa disciplina, infondendo anche agli altri il desiderio di approfondirla. Direi l’ideale per chi vuole iniziare o continuare a praticare lo yoga. Grazie Christiane!”

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